moon indicating dark mode
sun indicating light mode



Create variables from the properties of objects

const bar = {
foo = 'foo bar'
const test = ['hello', 'world']
const { foo } = bar
const [first, second] = test
console.log(foo) // 'foo bar'
console.log(first + ' ' + second) // 'hello world'

Spread operator

Get the contents of an object or array for creating new objects and arrays

const foo = ['hello']
const bar = ['world']
const helloWorld = [,]
console.log(helloWorld) // ['hello', 'world']

Can be used with Destructuring

const fruitsList = ['List Title', 'apple', 'orange', 'blueberries']
const [listTitle, ...fruits] = fruitsList
console.log(listTitle) // 'List Title'
console.log(fruits) // ['apple', 'orange', 'blueberries']

Arrow Functions

These are anonymous functions without this, or super. Great for callback’s.

const foo = () => 'bar'
console.log(foo()) // 'bar'

Nullish Coalescing

Is a logical operator ?? that returns its right-hand side value when its left-hand side is null or undefined, otherwise returns the left-hand side. Therefore, falsey values will be considered valid and returned like empty string, zero, etc.

const left1 = '' ?? 'test'
const left2 = 0 ?? 'test'
console.log(left1) // ''
console.log(left2) // 0
const right1 = null ?? 'test'
const right2 = undefined ?? 'test'
const right3 = thisDoesNotExist?.value ?? 'test'
console.log(right1) // 'test'
console.log(right2) // 'test'
console.log(right3) // 'test'


You can use nullish coalescing to conditionally run an expression. If the left-hand side expression evaluates to null or undefined, the right-hand expression will run.

Therefore, you can short-circuit the right-hand expression by returning a value that isn’t null or undefined.

const willShortCircuit = () => { console.log('will'); return 42; }
const wontShortCircuit = () => { console.log('wont'); return null; }
const test = () => { return 'test' }
console.log( wontShortCircuit() ?? test() ) // 'wont' then 'test'
console.log( willShortCircuit() ?? test() ) // 'will' then 42 as test() is not evaluated

Nullish Assignment

Assign a value to a variable, only when it’s nullish (undefined or null) by using the Nullish Assigment Operator ??=.

let x = null
let y = undefined
let z = '!'
x ??= 'hello '
y ??= 'world'
z ??= '?' // z is NOT nullish, so '?' will NOT be assigned
console.log(x + y + z) // hello world!

Optional Chaining

You can use the optional chaining operator ?. to read properties deep in objects that may by nullish (null or undefined). When it’s nullish, it short-circuits the expression then returns undefined.

const dog = {
color: 'yellow',
breed: {
name: 'Lab'
const dogWithOutBreed = {
color: 'brown'
console.log(dog.breed?.name) // 'Lab'
console.log(dogWithOutBreed.breed?.name) // undefined




Dynamic Import

await import('/modules/my-module.js')